Thursday 10 January 2013

Bruichladdich Laddie Classic Edition_01 [REVIEW]

Bruichladdich Laddie Classic Edition_01 (ABV: 46%, BOT: 2009, NCF, NC)

  • Colour: Pale Straw [I will only talk about colour now when I know there is no E150 present]
  • Nose: [21/25] - Floral, Barley, Dried Fruit [Think apricots and peaches], Vanilla, and a splash of sea-salt
  • Taste: [20/25] - Malted Barley, Molasses, Cheerios, and the faintest hint of Sweet Tobacco
  • Finish: [23/25] - Malt, Caramel, Peat, Spicey Pepper
  • Balance: [20/25] - The scale is tipped towared the Barley & Fruit notes that are here, but in a good way, it really works for this dram.
  • Summary: To me this dram is about layers and evolution. The nose starts off young and strong, hitting you with heavy floral and barley notes. The next few sniffs bring your to the Dried Fruits and Vanilla, and floating around the edge is the sublte sea-salt brine. At first taste, you are taken aback with a sharp and dry Malted Barley, but as your return for another it has calmed down a little and allowed some Brown Sugar / Molasses [almost rum like] flavour to emerge. As your let it sit in your mouth well chewed Cheerios come through. Sitting on the sidelines is a Sweet Tabacco a unique taste that I love. The finish kicks in nice and warm, showing this drams youth. Malted Barley and Strong Caramels at first. These fade after the first few tastes, letting a very mellow Peat note to come through. Present through every taste is Spicy Pepper just sitting there backstage letting everyone else take the spotlight, never once stealing the show.
  • Score: [84/100]

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